Sunday, September 12, 2010

What is God's Plan?

It is sometimes so hard to wait to find out what God has in mind for our family. We have gone through the whole adoption process and only have one thing left to finish it up. We have run into a bump in the road. I wonder if this is God telling us we were on the wrong path? Were we meant to do foster care and not start out with adoption? I prayed for an answer the other night and had a dream the same night in which I think God was trying to tell me we are suppose to do foster care and fight for what is right for these little ones who enter foster care. I talked to our adoption agency and they said they would be able to forward our homestudy to our county, so that may be less we would have to do to become foster care licensed.... I'm not very excited to start the whole process from scratch again, but if this is what we are suppose to do it will be worth all the work in the end!


Friday, April 23, 2010

Living without Regrets

Trying to find a blog name was something that took some thinking. In trying to decide I thought I would like to base my blog on trying to live my life the best I can without looking back with too many regrets. I know there is always going to be something I will look back on and think I could have done different, but I want to be able to look back and say that I really tried to do my best. We have decided to adopt and when I've had to do the self-evaluations I have a hard time on some of them. I want to be able to be more proud of who I am and the way I live my life. I enjoy reading other blogs and feel very inspired by many of them. I hope to grow my faith in God and become a better wife and mother. I look very forward to welcoming a new child into our family and hope that I choose the path God has chosen for us in finding our new little one.